Joseph and I have moved south just in time for this season. We are not experiencing bonfires or chilly weather for that matter. The lows around here can be found at 64 degrees and that's at 1 o'clock in the morning. Some days are cooler than others. We experienced a low of 72 this last week! Woohoo! But, it was 90 yesterday. So if you want shorts all year round, move it down on south people!
From what I've been told, for "chilly-like weather," I better wait for December. So I'll be patiently awaiting the cold front however short-lived it may be.
November is a month to think of all you're thankful for, to cherish those around you and the ones at a distance and to appreciate the little things we have. A little November challenge? Each day choose something that I'm thankful for, however big or small.

November, it's the month of Thanksgiving, which means family, friends and food, food, food. As I have mentioned, Joseph and I will be celebrating Thanksgiving just the two of us this year, and although it will be different, I am excited for it. It means that we get to start new traditions together, as a family.
I've got our menu set up already and most of the fall decorations are out. I've just recently ordered our newest fall addition and I cannot wait for it to arrive. #picturestocome
On news of our little love bug, I am 27 weeks pregnant! Princess Caroline is getting so strong. I think she dances in my belly or she is going to be a gymnast like her mom was with all that flipping around she keeps doing! She moves twice as much when Joseph rubs my stomach, it makes my heart melt. He brags about it (which makes me smile).
I don't know if he knows it yet, but his heart is already hers, you can tell. She'll definitely be a daddy's girl.
How far along? 27 week! (13 to go!)
Total weight gain/loss: 18 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Still wearing them. I got really creative recently though with pre-pregnancy clothes. Yay, for more options!
Stretch Marks? Still doing good. Putting on lotion in the morning and at night before bed is like a ritual these days. Sometimes its annoying, but I know I'll be extremely grateful for it later on.
Sleep: The dreams are getting more strange. I'm still getting up once in the middle of the night for a potty break, but it's OK.. I get the best sleep ever afterwards!
Best moment(s) this week: Watching Joseph (and Ace) paint the nursery. I'm completely in love with Caroline's nursery already. I find myself spending more and more time in there now.
Miss anything?: How good does a Mich Ultra sound? Or a Sweetwater Blue? My goodness, delish. & I'm missing my body. Old photos make me jealous. Ready to get the pre-baby body back and take it to the next level.
Movement: More & more frequent. She plays up high at night and down low during the day. Still getting stronger, I can't help but stare at my belly when she's moving, its amazing to watch.
Food cravings: This week I've been wanting lots and lots of yogurt. Strawberry Banana, Raspberry, Blueberry and Blackberry are the winning favorites.
Total weight gain/loss: 18 lbs
Maternity Clothes? Still wearing them. I got really creative recently though with pre-pregnancy clothes. Yay, for more options!
Stretch Marks? Still doing good. Putting on lotion in the morning and at night before bed is like a ritual these days. Sometimes its annoying, but I know I'll be extremely grateful for it later on.
Sleep: The dreams are getting more strange. I'm still getting up once in the middle of the night for a potty break, but it's OK.. I get the best sleep ever afterwards!
Best moment(s) this week: Watching Joseph (and Ace) paint the nursery. I'm completely in love with Caroline's nursery already. I find myself spending more and more time in there now.
Miss anything?: How good does a Mich Ultra sound? Or a Sweetwater Blue? My goodness, delish. & I'm missing my body. Old photos make me jealous. Ready to get the pre-baby body back and take it to the next level.
Movement: More & more frequent. She plays up high at night and down low during the day. Still getting stronger, I can't help but stare at my belly when she's moving, its amazing to watch.
Food cravings: This week I've been wanting lots and lots of yogurt. Strawberry Banana, Raspberry, Blueberry and Blackberry are the winning favorites.
Labor Signs: no, no, no.
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie.
What I am looking forward to: My mom getting here on Monday & my ultrasound on Wednesday. I wonder what my mom's reaction is going to be? (it's the first Grandchild, so I'm not sure what to expect). I know she's really excited which makes me even more anxious for this appointment! Then Friday Joseph & I take a little vacay to Apollo Beach. Yay for shopping & golf!
Weekly Wisdom: "Feeling fat lasts 9 months, but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever"