Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day Dreaming....I hope not.

I've been looking toward the future a little more today than I have in these last few weeks (so that means a lot, my poor husband. i've been trying to plan everything lately #icanthelpit)

This time though instead of necessities, it's been more about planning leisure activities. Everyone knows I hate sitting still for too long. It's only been 2 weeks since we last traveled and I'm already stir crazy & planning trips that I hope to go on eventually. In the next 2-3 years I'd like to think.

I've been looking into family trips. And romantic trips for Hubby & me (seeing as how we never took our Honeymoon.....only a "mini-moon.") Also trips to visit our spread out friends and family and our FriendFam reunions. So many trips, and not enough PTO ;) #amiright?

In the next 2-3 years, where do I want to go? EASY!
  • Napa Valley
  • Fort Worth
  • Charleston
  •  NYC
  • Boston
  • New Orleans
  • Somewhere in the Caribbean 
  • Disney World..duh. (this being closer to 3 years and 2, so our little bebe can enjoy it)
My Pinterest is blowing up. I think my Secret Boards are now catching up to the amount of Public Boards I have.....just because I'd probably annoy too many people with my obnoxious pinning habits. And we don't want that.

Some of these trips will obviously take more planning than others...seeing as how some are in "our backyard" and others are across country!

Of course for all of the trips to work out, life has to cooperate. You can't schedule every last detail about how life is going to go and who would want to anyway- surprises can be fun.

Not to mention, I've got 4 more kids to pop out ;)

So on that note:

Have a magical evening :)

                                                           I think my job is getting to me. I say Magical way too often!