Happy 2016 everyone!
We are officially 36 Weeks!
[ Technically Full Term, right? ]
BUT, Baby Haddie Please Hold Out Until February!
We brought in the New Year as you would expect..
watching bowl games followed by a deep snooze.
Hey, I did wake up at 11:47 PM - kissed my sleeping husband and went back to bed myself.
I'd say that was a success.
How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: 36 pounds
Sleep: Pretty much the exact same as last week - except now my wonderful husband rubs my back & I pass out about 2 minutes into it. Haha - oh & yeah, still waking up 2 times every night.
Best moment(s) this week: Joseph had the week off so we got a lot of family time & the babe & I went to Niceville Wednesday for some time with my fam over there - it has been a great week!
Miss anything?: I. Want. Wine. <--- that's from last week & it's still true this week.
Movement: all day long. I think she's running out of room lol - she kicks on side of my body but i feel another part of her on the other - she's always moving!
Best thing about this pregnancy: Adding to our family! Giving Caroline a little sister & making her a big sister. Changing the family dynamic -- i think i've said all of this already :)
Worst thing about this pregnancy: Still not a fan of having to get dressed. It's a process. But I am getting more creative in efforts to stay out of maternity clothes! Go me!
Food cravings: Not so much food -- but my Joseph got me a Keurig for Christmas because he knows of my love for Green Tea & ever since, green tea is a must in the AM. I look forward to it - Green Tea is probably my favorite thing about the mornings!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks,
Belly Button in or out? Ugh- We're Flat. & probably on it's way out!
Last time you cried over something ridiculous: Melt down alert! Like bawling my eyes out kind of melt down. Here'e the story: So Caroline's birthday is coming up on the 23rd , well January is a busy month with everything taking place before Hadley gets here. BUT there is no way I'm giving Caroline any less of a birthday celebration. So I was trying to take the easy way out by having the party somewhere else but that just wasn't working in my favor but I felt that if it was at the house I wouldn't be able to pull it together as quickly as we need it to happen. First step is clearly printing and mailing the invitations -- well, you can't do that until you know where the party is being held. Key in the melt down. I cried staring at the invitations on the computer for a good 30 minutes or so. I didn't want to commit. Eventually I did, then the water works stopped. & Now, they're in the mail! ta-da!
What I am looking forward to: We have a doctor's appointment on Thursday this week. Our first weekly! Yay! Then this upcoming weekend we have Hadley's Baby Sprinkle that my BFF Kally is throwing for us! Let the January festivities begin!
Weekly Wisdom: Get your plans together! You've been counting down this entire time and now it's crunch time and it feels like the time has somehow sneaked up on you. Don't panic- think about what needs to happen & make a plan!