I've been having this little debate in my head about her name. Should we keep it short and sweet and call her Caroline or should we keep it southern and call her Caroline Ann? I go back and forth.
This past week I had a meeting with a Healthy Start counselor. Not going to lie, I was a little scared walking into the building, so much that I almost walked out on my meeting (you had to be there). I was in agreement with myself that I wouldn't be missing anything and that everything the counselor and I would have discussed at the meeting, my hospital or my books would tell me about anyway. I don't qualify for any of the things the program is meant to offer but for the information, I'm glad I stayed.
The woman was amazing (first off, she was extremely easy to talk to, baby talk and regular conversation). I learned a lot from that one meeting. I was flooded with all sorts of information. Thank goodness! With all the questions I have running through my mind these days, this meeting was a blessing.
The counselor gave me flyer after flyer & tons of brochures to indulge myself with (very helpful). She 'snuck' me DVDs and told me to hide them when I brought them back to her. (I guess they have a movie room there to watch the DVDs and they're not supposed to be taken home....she said I seemed like a person she already knew and that she knew she could trust me). #myluckyday She even gave me a baby blanket for Caroline! Now I'm looking forward to going back to talk with her.
Over the weekend we ventured over to the other side of the Orlando area to visit with some family for a little while. It was a good time. We shared a wonderful meal together (I've been missing good southern cooking) and we enjoyed the Alabama v Mississippi State Game. #rolltide It was a very pleasant evening. I'm glad it was able to happen. & I know Joseph really enjoyed it. Did I mention Roll Tide?
On another football note, I am extremely proud of my Seminoles. They played an earlier game on Saturday and brought a smack down to Syracuse. 59-3. BOOM
I'm jealous that I haven't got to be at Doak for any of this fantastic season they're having. I know that place is rocking every game day. #seminolenation Keep it up, Noles! (Maybe next year, I'll get back up there.)
I guess I should go ahead and state this for the record, that way there is no confusion when the time comes. For the BCS National Championship, if Alabama & Florida State meet there together, is there really a question of who I will be pulling for in that game? Negative, absolutely not. I've said it once & I'll say it again: Florida State is my number 1, always has been always will. Alabama has been my number 2 for years, yes I married a die hard Alabama fan, but that does not mean I forgot my roots. I pull for both teams, except for in the occasion that they play each other. & in that case, I will be choppin' the whole game, fear the spear baby & go noles!
F-L-O-R-I-D-A S-T-A-T-E! Florida What? Florida State, Florida State, Florida State!
"Be Thankful For What You Have; You'll End Up Having More. If You Concentrate On What You Don't Have, You Will Never, Ever Have Enough" -- Oprah Winfrey

November 14th: Chilly Air. I am thankful for chilly air that blows in central Florida. It's a rare thing down here. I am thankful for chilly mornings (even when they turn into hot afternoons) and I am thankful for chilly nights. I am thankful for, despite living in central Florida, getting to pull out long sleeve pull overs & boots on the random occasion. It reminds me of where I grew up (not quite as cold though). I am thankful that while visiting home in January, we will get to feel the cold for a few days. My wish? Bring on some more cold fronts, please! I am thankful for the, few and far between, chilly days that we have down here.
November 15th: Delivery. I am thankful for restaurants that offer delivery. Simple as that. I love that I can spend the evening with Joseph, doing things we love together and not have to worry about cooking. I love that we can go about our business, watching our shows and movies and just take a small timeout to answer the door and tip the lady or gentleman for bringing us the delightful dinner of our choice. I love how simple it has become to have a good meal arrive at your door and how 'on time' they are here in Lake Mary. (when they tell you a time they'll be at your house, they're there, if not early). I am thankful for the expansion of restaurants that now offer the service. I am thankful for restaurants that deliver.
November 16th: Family Friends. I am thankful for the people that have been friends for so long that we call them family. I am thankful for the time we get to spend with them and for how close they are to us. I am grateful for their company and for their love and support. I am thankful for the simplistic fun that can be had when we are with them. I love the conversations and the laughs that are had together. I am thankful for the new, short distance between all of us and for being able to catch up more easily. I am thankful for the people that are our family outside of our biological family.

November 18th: Sleeping in. I am thankful for the mornings I get to sleep in and my body allows for me to. It is a rare occasion. I'm usually up like clock work, same time everyday. This morning however, was a much different case. I slept in later than usual and it felt amazing. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to sleep in. I had nothing I had to do first thing, I could lay in bed for as long as I wanted. I slept. I snoozed. Ace & I cuddled. I am thankful for mornings like this. I am thankful for my husband and his coworker that carpooled to work and I am thankful for a clear schedule. I am thankful for the rest I was given and for the slumber I received. I am thankful for sleeping in.

A friend of mine posted this recipe for "Doggy Birthday Cakes" not too long ago. You can call me The Puppy Chef, I'm thinking about giving it a shot today. I don't think I could mess it up, and if I happen to do so, I don't think Ace will mind or notice for that matter. So, he'll get "cake" on his birthday today!
Puppy Layered Cake
1 pound ground beef, turkey, or chicken
1 egg; beaten
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
3-4 Milkbone treats; crushed
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix meat until well incorporated with ground meat of choice.
3. Divide meat into two equal parts and shape into patties.
4. Cover cookie sheet with foil & cook for 30 minutes; then let cool.
5. Spread half of the greek yogurt onto one of the patties
6. Sprinkle with half of the crushed milk bone treats.
7. Stake the second pattie on top of the "dressed" pattie
8. Spread with remaining yogurt and crushed Milkbones.
Incase you didn't see the title of this blog.. I am 29 weeks along now!! That means that we are getting closer and closer. Not quite yet, but we are almost to the single digit weeks! Pardon my excitement, I'm just so ready for her to be here and I know Joseph is too! I think even Ace is getting anxious now! #countingdown
According to my BabyBump app, Caroline is now the size of a butternut squash. The app says she is 15.25 inches and weighs 2.5 lbs. WELL, we already know that she, herself is not that size. At 28 weeks she weighed in at 3 lbs. so I wonder how long she really is and how much she has gained since then? Baby girl is above average. So I wonder what fruit/vegetable she really is...
From my understanding, my baby shower invitations are about to go in the mail! Yay! I'm so excited for it. We are doing girls & guys. I'm really looking forward to seeing family & friends all in one spot since our wedding! Minus the few that I already know cannot attend. (I know y'all are going to be there in spirit). I can't wait to see what it's going to look like! Pink, pink, pink EVERYWHERE!! I'm pretty sure it is going to be the same colors as Caroline's room: pale pink, grey & white. I'm really looking forward to it!
Also, I can't wait for tomorrow (Wednesday). I have a tour of our hospital where Miss Caroline Ann will be born. "The Baby Place." (pinch me.) I've read the book on everything they offer and it sounds completely amazing. So many educational classes for Joseph & I, they offer luxury suites for my family & me, and they offer massages for Joseph & I during our stay! I'm ready to go register and see the type of room we will have and get some more info! I keep trying to picture it. Yay, for tomorrow!
How far along? 29 weeks with our little love bug!
Total weight gain/loss: Yikes, considering I got weighed this past week, I know
Maternity Clothes? I've realized I only like shirts that convey my belly. Shirts that fit loosely, not so much. I feel like I have a large bag over me, which isn't flattering. Tight shirts please (show me the bellyyyyy)
Stretch Marks? Still fighting them off. Not one in sight so far! Still crossing my fingers and rotating through lotions
Sleep: Better! I can sleep through the whole night. I get 8-9 hours of sleep. I still wake up tired but it's good sleep.
Best moment(s) this week: Watching the alien in my belly move chasing the flashlight. It's crazy the waves you can see on the surface.
Miss anything?: My favorite pair of jeans & still laying on my stomach. I've found myself getting creative with ways to lay on my stomach, obviously so that I'm not actually on my stomach though. #feelingcreative
Movement: Karate choppin & ninja kickin'. Very active little girl we have!
Food cravings: I need a shower head that will rain chocolate for me. And then a milk machine. Then I'll be happy.
Labor Signs: No, hopefully holding off on those for as long as possible.
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie but I'm noticing some change. Stay an innie please! (Joseph & I have a bet going for how long it'll be an innie)
What I am looking forward to: My doctor appointment next week & My tour of "The Baby Place" tomorrow!
Weekly Wisdom: Try not to google things too much. Google can be wrong and it can freak you out. Listen to your doctor!