35 Weeks Pregnant
& Feeling Like I'm Carrying A Bowling Ball Around.
I'm tired and I'm sore.
I'm feeling puffy and not cute.
I'm ready.
But I want to wait until February! lol.
We have a doctor's appointment on Thursday - so that's good news.
Just a regular one, nothing too exciting.
But then I go every week after!
The Final Countdown! -i just said that in my AC/DC voice ;)
How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain: 35 pounds
Sleep: I've been straight up passing out lately. Phone in my hand, glasses still on my face. But now I'm waking up twice in the middle of the night..... cool.
Best moment(s) this week: Visiting with all our family for Christmas. We had a blast over the holiday. And Hadley didn't miss a beat - she was making waves for everyone's entertainment :)
Miss anything?: I. Want. Wine.
Movement: all the time - she's constantly playing and kicking.
Best thing about this pregnancy: Adding to our family!
Worst thing about this pregnancy: Does it really HAVE to take 40 weeks to do this? I think I was over it when we hit the 25 week mark lol
Food cravings: Nothing specific this week. Just good stuff lol and only good stuff
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks,
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie. - we're hanging in there.
Last time you cried over something ridiculous: Still good!
What I am looking forward to: We're taking Caroline to New Orleans tomorrow. We're going to the zoo & to the aquarium. I'm sure it's going to be a blast. We've been taking her to zoos since she was 6 Months old. She's loved them more and more each time we take her!
Weekly Wisdom: Be patient.