Sunday, January 17, 2016

38 Weeks!

38 weeks!!!
Is this real life?
 Are we really about to be adding another precious little girl to our family?
I can't believe we are so close!
It's unreal!
There is still so much to do!
I think I said it last week- but my list seriously keeps growing!

I finished my first mile long to-do list before Caroline's birthday party.
& now, I have a whole new list, that's growing by the day!

I'm so excited. & anxious. & I'm getting nervous.
Really though, God knew exactly what he was doing when he decided women wouldn't remember all of the unpleasant things about pregnancy and labor.
I remember having some rough times during pregnancy, labor and even after birth with Caroline but, I don't remember in great detail- so hey, it must not have been too bad right?

I can't believe that in roughly 2 weeks our little Princess Haddie will be here!!

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain: 39 pounds 
Sleep: I now wake up at 6:59AM on the dot, every day. & I'm in bed doing my nightly routine by 8:30/9:00PM. 2 middle of the night wake ups - no big deal! 
Best moment(s) this week: We had Caroline's birthday party today :) (another blog post on that tomorrow) It was nothing short of great though! 
Miss anything?:  The list goes on and on. I can't wait for all of my clothes to fit me correctly again. Although I'm still doing good about not wearing maternity clothing. Every once in awhile (on a lazy day) I'll put on maternity pants just to make things easier but I can still wear my regular pants! 
Movement: Constantly. She makes alien waves across my tummy ;) (I'll definitely miss those)
Best thing about this pregnancy: Adding to our family! Giving Caroline a little sister & making her a big sister. Changing the family dynamic -- i think i've said all of this already :) <-- not changing it. That's from last couple of weeks! :) still holds true. 
Worst thing about this pregnancy: She's "dropped." & She is head down now. Doctor says he can "feel her head." So. Imagine how uncomfortable I am now and will be until labor. [It's all worth it though!]
Food cravings: Nothing specific this week- I've been trying to be good about managing my cravings. But at the party we had pigs in a blanket & to be honest I wouldn't mind having those for every single meal and snack until Hadley's arrival ;) just sayin'. 
Labor Signs:  Contractions. Baby is head down. & I'm 1cm dilated. 
Belly Button in or out? Barely, just barely poking out. 
Last time you cried over something ridiculous: Decorating for Caroline's birthday party. I couldn't get some of the decorations to do what I wanted them to- instant tears. 
What I am looking forward to: Caroline's real birthday is this upcoming Saturday :) I'm going to have a 2 year old, y'all! 
Weekly Wisdom: Do what you can! Some daily tasks are going to become harder - don't worry about it and ask for help!