(her due date according to the doctor is February 3rd)
we think she'll be a January baby, just a hunch.
I am definitely experiencing the 3rd trimester slumber spell. I am pretty much exhausted all the time. Naps have become part of Ace & my daily routine. (not going to complain, I love my cuddle buddy).
I'm back on track for headaches too. If I don't wake up with one, it's a miracle, but I know I have limited time until one comes on. Hopefully those will disappear again- they're no fun for anyone. Tylenol nor caffeine help either and caffeine was a sure thing before.
This week I have been organizing in Caroline's room a little more. I've been washing clothes and putting them away. Also, I've been experimenting with the drawer organizers we bought for her. They're wonderful. I must get more. I love seeing all the pink everywhere. Especially the pale pink color we are using in the nursery. The color feels dainty and fragile, just like our little girl will be. I'm working on a strategy for good closet organization. I bought size dividers, they're gray and white chevron :) Super cute & extremely helpful already! As I wash, I put away accordingly.
To my excitement, people are starting to receive their baby shower invites! It's really getting close. I want to help, but I'm supposed to just enjoy this time. I was given one special task though (I requested it, not going to lie). I get to receive the RSVPs, which is super exciting and it'll give me something to do to occupy my time! Plus I love talking to everyone! So people, send your RSVPs my way!
It's been apparent that Ace's favorite room in the house is Caroline's room. He spends the majority of his day laying in there, in different spots too. At first, it was just in the door way. Then he would lay smack dab in the middle, now he is laying up on the window seat and "posting up" on the ledge of the seat as well. It's like he is guarding her room. He is the look out. It's precious. I wonder how he is going to react once the room is finished and then once their is a baby that spends a lot of time in there.
November 20th: The Baby Place. I am thankful for The Baby Place. The Baby Place is the care unit at the hospital Caroline will be born at. It is where we will get to meet her for the first time. It is where we will make many first memories of our little baby girl. It's where our family will gather and meet their Granddaughter and their niece for the first time. I am thankful for the friendly and informative staff it is filled with. I am thankful for their set up and all they have to offer a new family. I am so thankful that this is where my daughter will be brought into the world. I'm thankful for the reassurance that I felt after visiting the facility, I know she'll be in good hands. I am thankful that Caroline will be born at The Baby Place.

I would also like to say Happy birthday to one of my dearest friends. On November 21st this year, she turned 24. I am so blessed to have known her since I moved to Niceville in 2001. She has always been there for me. She is one of the most genuine people I know. I hope she had one of the happiest of birthdays because that is what she deserves. I wish I could've been there to celebrate the special day, but it will just have to be made up for. Happy birthday, and here is to many more years of friendship and laughter. (If Caroline could say it, she would say Happy Birthday, Aunt Kallz)
November 22nd: Energy. I am thankful for the days I am full of energy. I am thankful for the days that I want to get things done and I do because of the energy I have. I am thankful for the days I'm not completely exhausted and can continue with my regular routine. I know Ace is thankful for when I have energy because we get to go on walks. I am thankful for the bursts of energy I get on the rare occasion.

November 25th: Florida SunPass. I am thankful for the nifty contraption known as the Florida SunPass. I am thankful that by having this device, I can hop on the expressway right by our house and get pretty much anywhere in only half the time. I love the convenience. I am thankful that the SunPass is used in all parts of Florida. I am thankful that we have this wonderful contraption because it makes traveling in Orlando so much easier and less stressful. I am thankful for the Florida SunPass.
November 26th: Ebay. I am thankful for the online shopping experience known as Ebay. I am thankful for the small store that I have managed to create on there and for the success it has reached. I am thankful that I have been able to grow it more than I thought I would. I am so thankful that my husband has encouraged it and helped get it started. I am thankful for the extra money that Ebay brings in. I am thankful it provides me with something to do on a regular basis. I enjoy the responsibility of making buyers satisfied. I am thankful for all the people that shop on Ebay making a side business/hobby possible. I am thankful for online shopping on Ebay.
Our Thanksgiving plans have changed, yet again. We were both really looking forward to feeding families on Thanksgiving Day, but unfortunately it is going to have to be done another year. Another year that I'm not so pregnant. Apparently, shelters do not recommend women in their 3rd trimesters being exposed to everything that will be coming in and out with all the people. They wouldn't allow me to register. Thinking on it, they're completely right. It is something we should have thought about when we were discussing it in the first place. It wouldn't be a smart move for me to be there and "exposed." So another year!
So we've decided that we're back to plan A. We're going to have a nice small Thanksgiving at our house, just Joseph, me & Ace. It will be rather simple. I found a mini green bean casserole recipe that just sounds absolutely delicious, so we're going to try it! I'll let you know how it turns out.
On another note, have I mentioned how much I love Sundays? This Sunday we did a little Christmas decorating. We hung lights outside, which is something I've always wanted to do in my very own house. We're keeping it a classic Christmas at this house this year. White lights all around.

The weather was perfect. It was super chilly and windy. It was a leggings and boots kind of day. Pure Perfection. We were actually cold on our walk to the lake with Ace. love love love. Ace loved being outside all day. We were able to leave the door open to the backyard, such wonderful weather!
Next week we're getting our Christmas tree. We've decided to wait until after Thanksgiving to put it up. I'm pretty excited about that too!
We get to pick out ornaments!! eee. (I'm sure Joseph is saying "eeee" too haha). I've ordered a few personalized ones from Etsy. I Love Etsy. Of course the "Our 1st Christmas" ornament, Ace gets a doggy paw print ornament & then we have to represent our livelihood with a FSU & a Bama ornament (still in search for the sports teams). I'm ready for them to come in the mail!
I've found so many holiday treat recipes that I'm dying to try. Joseph's excitement for some of the treats is showing too! I'm in the process of rounding up the ingredients and then you might as well call me Betty Crocker, I'll be in the kitchen baking away!
Tomorrow is our doctor's appointment. Yay! & they appointments will be more and more frequent. I really like my doctor and I love updates on Caroline, so I really enjoy going!
How far along? 30 weeks! Only 10 to go until our due date :)
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't been weighed since last week, I'm going to guess I've gained a few more lbs. though.
Maternity Clothes? Still wearing them. Getting sick of them and how confined the pants make me feel. It's time to find a different solution I think. Let the search begin..
Stretch Marks? Still in the clear!
Sleep: I've been tossing and turning a lot lately, according to Joseph. Poor guy. & I've graduated from waking up once a night to twice. I hope this isn't the start of a pattern.
Best moment(s) this week: Understanding the purpose of a birth plan & actually making one while we were at the hospital for our tour. A lot of my questions go answered, it's a relief.
Miss anything?: Sushi. The crab & the shrimp and all that yummy goodness. Did I hear this correctly- I can have the creamy, crunch shrimp roll right? It's cooked......If so, I've gotta get me some of that!
Movement: The little one is always on the move. She's jabbing and poking and rolling in there is what it feels like.
Food cravings: Joseph says she is going to come out a stick of peanut butter with all the peanut butter that I have in my diet. What can I say? At least it's not a bad craving to have. We eat PB&J's, Peanut Butter Crackers, Apples with Peanut Butter & the latest: Oreos & Peanut butter (like the Parent Trap!)
Labor Signs: Negative.
Belly Button in or out? It's wanting to creep out. Still in for now- the bet is still on! STAY IN!
What I am looking forward to: My Doctors appointment on tomorrow with Joseph. It should be very informative. & None baby related, I get my new license with my name change on it on Monday! Yay, me!
Weekly Wisdom: Whenever in doubt, take a minute to pray. He hears you.