Happy 1/2 Birthday to our Caroline Ann :)
6 whole months. 6 months old! I'm working on wrapping my head around it. I realize that 6 comes after 5 but really? It's already been 6 months?
Our beautiful girl has made many changes and has grown drastically over the last months.
Watching her grow has been one of the most exciting things to see. To be able to watch her daily changes is such a blessing and then to see all the changes she has made over time just blows my mind.
She's such a bright girl. Her smile is contagious. And she is so, so smart for being so little.
Fun Facts About Caroline:
- Weighs 16 pounds & 6 ounces
- Is 26 inches long
- Holds things in her hands and passes them between hands
- Sits up on her own
- Rolls over from back to tummy
- Pushes up on her arms while on her tummy
- Knows how to push the buttons in her books to make sound play
- Has now been to five different states: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia & Tennessee
- Has been through security at an airport & flown on an airplane
- Kicks her legs to music
- Has tried a couple solid foods so far including Sweet Potatoes & Carrots
- Will smile back when you smile at her
- Talks to Mickey during Mickey's Clubhouse
- Wakes up smiling and laughing
- laughs when we sing "Sweet Caroline" to her
- is allergic to squash
- kicks her feet in the bath tub
Something funny? Joseph and I just crack up every time. When she's
laying on her belly, she will kick her legs (like she is jumping) and
she will move her arms at the same time.. it looks like she's swimming.
It won't be too long until she's crawling... we're not in a hurry though. She is going to be into everything. I know it.