We had our 33 week appointment today :)
& we had an ultrasound!
Seeing our precious baby was the most amazing thing.
I wish we got one every appointment.
Hadley is 4lbs & 9oz of cuteness.
She was cuddled up with the placenta.
We watched her suck on her hand and move all about.
Luckily she was cooperative this time around so we were able to see her beautiful face.
She has Caroline's lips.
I loved seeing our baby girl.
& Caroline did too.
She kept saying Bayyyyyybe & Hi Haddie & Oh My!
& The doctor's appointment went well too.
With all of the measurements, Hadley's date moved to February 1st.
[which of course could still change].
We're back on track to carry this babe for as long as I can -
doctor doesn't see any reason to still go with the inducing plan.
So that's exciting!
I have one more appointment 2 weeks from now & then it's every week from there on out.
Which means we're getting extremely close!
How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 30 pounds
Sleep: It's uncomfortable. I wake up religiously between 1 AM & 3 AM- it's fun.
Best moment(s) this week: Tickling my belly & feeling Hadley follow my fingers - there is nothing like feeling your precious baby move. & the ultrasound of course!
Miss anything?: Easy breathing. Haha- I feel like I'm always out of breath. Simple things aren't so simple these days.
Movement: Early in the morning while I'm working - randomly throughout the day - she's a lover of cold water & ice cream & she likes to dance around when I lie down a night :) so yes- a lot of movement.
Best thing about this pregnancy: Giving Caroline a little sister - Gaining a second child with a whole different personality and character of her own.
Worst thing about this pregnancy: How uncomfortably low baby girl sits. & Still getting dressed. Getting dressed is awful.
Food cravings: No new ones this week. Kinda have been wanting chocolate a lot - but I think I want chocolate a lot even when I'm not pregnant. #sorryimnotsorry - I've got a sweet tooth :D
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, I hate you.
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie. Working its way to a "Flatty" lol
Last time you cried over something ridiculous: I've been good since the last incidence. I try to keep it together, I really do.
What I am looking forward to: Wednesday we have an ultrasound :) I can't wait to see my baby! & for Caroline to see her again!! She loved it last time.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't stress over the nursery. It doesn't have to be done by the time the babe gets here. Put it together as you can - it's not like the baby will even be sleeping in there for the first few months haha (if she's anything like Caroline that is)
Some fun pictures to put a smile on your face.
Caroline was being a ham in the waiting room - entertaining everyone- as usual.
& This week- Caroline wanted to be in the preg. picture :)