At the end of last week, we watched Florida State dominate in the ACC Championship; In the middle of the week, we had a baby doctor's appointment; and at the end of the week my dad was down here visiting us for the weekend! A wonderful week to have.
First off, Go Noles! I'm so proud to be a Seminole, always am, but even more so. And Jameis won the Heisman. Couldn't be a more proud fan. He is well deserving. What a freshman! #nolenation #bringonpasadena #beatauburn
My daddy came to visit us down here. First observation: the weather is completely different than where he has been in the last few weeks. Way different from Nashville, Tennessee by a landslide and even different from our neighboring North Florida weather. We're still experiencing 85 degree weather. Yay, us? Ugh.
It was so nice getting to see him. It really has been too long. We had a really good visit together. We went and ate at this restaurant that is right up the road from our house, Lonnie's Fusion Cuisine. #ohemgee delicious! It's absolutely one of my new favorites in Lake Mary. Really glad we discovered it and tried something new.

(I would like to make a note that all I did was drive the cart, and I was completely pooped by the time we got home. I made it through the awards ceremony but then was out like a light in a hurry).
It was a relaxed weekend with a lot to do, I always enjoy time with my dad. The time really flew by. I already miss him and can't wait to see him again. (Just think, less than 2 weeks!)
For an update on my baby that's brewing: Caroline is pure perfection (if this mommy does say so herself). Her heart rate is perfect, as is mine. My stomach is measuring exactly what it should be according to her weekly progress. Mommy is steadily gaining weight, as is the baby girl. 2 healthy ladies here! Right on track.
We didn't get to do another ultrasound yet. Maybe in a month we will get to again. Hope so. I love seeing her! And I want to know what she is measuring in at. I want to see how her "long bones" have progressed and if her weight is still ahead of schedule. Everyone is making the joke now that based on her previous weight and length and then the weight she is supposed to be gaining per week that she is going to come out walking and talking.
It's getting closer and closer to seeing our love bug. We are now 33 weeks along! She has dropped! It's weird seeing my belly even lower that it was. I didn't realize it could get much lower.. but oh, it can.
Bets are still being placed on when she is coming. I've taken 36-37 weeks. Joseph has 37 weeks. The doctor says between 38 and 39. My dad says 41. All is fine with me, except I'm really hoping my dad is wrong (sorry, dad!). 41 weeks seems like too much longer to wait at this point. And 36 weeks is too close to the shower date.. SO please, hang in there at least until we get back to Orlando little one!
It's crazy the things they don't tell you about pregnancy- you know, the things you just find out throughout the process. Who would've thought that making the bed and bending over (or sitting down) to put shoes on would become such exhausting tasks. Goodness, it's rough.
Well, at least the end is in sight now!
Now this week, I get to stay busy as well! Prepping for the family to be down here this upcoming Monday! Really looking forward to it. I've got to plan a menu, clean around the house some more and I've got to start some baking to have yummy Christmas treats ready! It's going to be a good Holiday :) Ready to see the sisters and if Ace understood, I know he would be thrilled that he is going to have his buddy down here for a few days to play!
He's beginning to get in the Christmas spirit!
December is usually a rough month on my side of the family. It's usually filled with hospitals and sickness and sadness even though the holiday spirit is tied in to try to cheer things up. It's always a difficult time. I think times are beginning to really change. Last December and this December have been proving my theory wrong and I'll continue to pray that it is a true sign that things are changing. Things are looking up and I'm so incredibly thankful for it.
Bless my family and bless yours, for tis the season for many blessings to be spread and shared with everyone.
How far along? 33 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I have officially broken 40 lbs. I've gained 42 lbs thus far during this pregnancy. And I hear a pound a week starts now? Please don't.
Maternity Clothes? That's what my wardrobe consists of. Comfy tempo shorts still fit though & tee's!
Stretch Marks? No matter how much I "massage" lotion into my one stripe, it won't fade yet. I'm going to continue to try though. Oh & I think I'm getting another one. Woohoo, me.
Sleep: I get hot, and hotter, all throughout the night- and I know it's just me because my husband is in socks, long pants and a shirt and my dog's teeth are literally chattering. Heat ultimately causes tossing and turning and throwing the covers off. Poor Joseph who has to sleep next to me, at least I don't wake him.
Best moment(s) this week: Having my dad here and him seeing for himself this big belly of mine & Caroline getting to hear her Opa's voice. :) Little wiggle worm.
Miss anything?: I want some eggnog & a Caesar salad, por favor. Joseph didn't understand my odd question about freezing eggnog. I asked if it was possible to buy it during the holiday season and then freeze it until I can have it after Caroline is born. I got a weird expression from him. & apparently, it wouldn't taste the same. I guess I really do have to wait until next Christmas for a glass of eggnog. Funny thing is- I don't even like eggnog that much- but now I really want it!
Movement: I think she is experimenting now. Watching my stomach, it's almost like she pokes one spot and then stops for a second, then pokes another spot to see how far she can stretch each spot for more room.
Food cravings: Big on fruit. Grapes galore & apple city in my fridge. If I only could cut a pineapple without wasting so much I'd have tons of pineapple in there too.
Labor Signs: I'm experiencing contractions. They're not the nicest feeling. Yay for my body prepping me for labor..
Belly Button in or out? Innie, hang in there!
What I am looking forward to: A relaxing weekend with the hubs & then Christmas with the Turners, followed by a weekend with my Mom, Dad & Brother!
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every minute you are given with those you love, don't waste time- it's something you'll never get back.
Bragging Note: Joseph is so good to me. He knows what makes his pregnant wife happier than anything. He noticed my fruit obsession & my love for chocolate and gave me the best of both worlds. You can't go wrong with anything Godiva, but this was absolutely perfect. So grateful to have such a loving & caring husband. #bragover