We could be at the end of this journey.
We could have finally reached our end goal.
Are you as ready as we are?
Despite the circumstances, I could not be more thrilled at the possibility of meeting our baby girl, Caroline, this week!!
We are 37 weeks pregnant! "Full Term" depending on who you ask.
We did an ultrasound to check on Caroline & she is still doing wonderful. Moving around a ton- so she doesn't seem to be affected at all. Praise Jesus. I've been going to the doctor twice a week to check up on my blood pressure and I do so again on Monday.
Monday could be the game changer. If my blood pressure remains the same as it has then I will be admitted into the hospital for a 24 hour observation, followed by an induction on Tuesday.
Like I said, despite the circumstances, I am extremely ready. I've been tired and achy. I've had headaches and felt dizzy. I am sleep deprived (even though I've been on bed rest since Wednesday).
Side Note: Bed rest takes away the fun of being lazy in bed and on the couch. There have been days where I would have loved nothing more than to be chained to the couch with Netflix all day... Bed Rest robs you of that & fills you with endless amounts of boredom and anxiousness. Being told you HAVE to stay in one spot & only get up if you HAVE to is just awful.
Ace has definitely enjoyed the mandatory best rest though.
I'm excited...to meet her that is. And now it seems so much closer. Fingers crossed that we both stay healthy and that nothing is really wrong but then still LET HER OUT ALREADY. Mommy & Daddy are ready!
While on my bed rest I cheated a little bit and finished packing mine & Caroline's hospital bags. Joseph hooked up the car seat in the car and basically we are just sitting on go now. Can you believe it?!
I even finished my "New Daddy's Survival Kit" for Joseph. He hasn't gotten it yet, but since he doesn't read my blog I can tell you all about it. I found the idea on Pinterest & loved it. It's just a little something to let him know how appreciated he is and to let him know that even though it's me that is in labor, he is a very important part of this process and I am aware of it. It's filled with some of his favorite snacks and then little things that will "help him" in his new daddy-hood. (I kind of want a few more things in it, THANKS for messing that up for me Bed Rest). Hopefully he likes it :) If anything, it'll give him something to preoccupy himself in our hours at the hospital.
I'll try my best to keep everyone updated but I do see these next few weeks becoming maybe just a tad bit busier than previous weeks. If we are blessed with Caroline this week- then I'll be back soon. Or maybe I'll have TONS of time in the hospital and lots of medicine during my induction and I'll be pain free and will blog away on my phone....I can dream- we will see!

I love this little family of mine. Today is three, maybe this week will make four in our house!
How far along? Full term.... 37 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: See last weeks comment on this subject.
Stretch Marks? No more since last week. Lotion is still my best friend.
Sleep: I stay up late so I can sleep in as late as possible. When I say stay up late, I can make it until 11 haha which allows me to 'sleep in' until 9-9:30! wooooohoo.
Best moment(s) this week: Sleeping in Saturday morning and getting woken up to a cup of coffee (exactly the way I like it) and breakfast in bed. So blessed.
Miss anything?: Feeling in my legs & not being exhausted all the time.
Movement: Lots of poking in my ribs. & "alien rolls" over my belly.
Food cravings: I think I've had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for the last week. For lunch, snacks and sometimes dinner. Peanut butta baby.
Total weight gain/loss: See last weeks comment on this subject.
Stretch Marks? No more since last week. Lotion is still my best friend.
Sleep: I stay up late so I can sleep in as late as possible. When I say stay up late, I can make it until 11 haha which allows me to 'sleep in' until 9-9:30! wooooohoo.
Best moment(s) this week: Sleeping in Saturday morning and getting woken up to a cup of coffee (exactly the way I like it) and breakfast in bed. So blessed.
Miss anything?: Feeling in my legs & not being exhausted all the time.
Movement: Lots of poking in my ribs. & "alien rolls" over my belly.
Food cravings: I think I've had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for the last week. For lunch, snacks and sometimes dinner. Peanut butta baby.
Labor Signs: Contractions & swelling.
Belly Button in or out? Innie!! We could make it this whole pregnancy with an innie!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out what the next step is on Monday -- the possibility of meeting my little girl this week!
Weekly Wisdom: Make sure to take maternity pictures sooner rather than later. I waited too long and didn't end up getting to do professional ones. Luckily I have weekly belly photos and other random ones throughout. Delivery time sneaks up on you and can be unexpected -- get things done while you can!