I'm late...I know. Caroline turned 8 months old on the 23rd of September. What's my deal? I have been incredibly busy & Caroline was in no condition to do our monthly photo session.
Our little was sick. Running a fever, breaking out in a rash and not eating. Poor thing, she was so pitiful. Her doctor is still undecided as to what it was that brought this on- maybe a UTI, maybe a viral infection. But, thankfully she is doing much better now.
HOWEVER, what didn't go back to normal? Sleeping in her own bed. Hubby and I had a deal that Caroline wouldn't be sleeping in the bed with us until she was at least a year old (we've done the whole co-sleeping thing & we have gradually..bassinet, pack'n'play, then bed.. moved her out and she was finally in her own bed before she got sick). Naturally we put her in the bed with us while she wasn't feeling well. Well now that she's better.......yeah, she's still in the bed. We will see how long it lasts.. I love my baby- but I want to be able to toss and turn like i usually do and not wake up freaking out wondering where exactly the baby has moved to. It really freaks me out.
Any of the who....
we finally got around to taking some pictures now that the little babe is herself again.
Caroline is 8 months old, y'all :)
It's like she grew over night. I hadn't noticed a big difference in her looks or her growth and then just one day it changed. She looks like a little person! I'm aware that's what she is, but struggle to see the little baby face that was once there. She is growing so quickly and she is maturing so fast.
I can't believe all the things she does now. She is keeping this momma on her toes. I'm constantly catching her and stopping her from getting into things... yep- she's on the move. And she's fast.
It's like one day everything just clicked.
Fun Facts About Caroline:
- weighs19 pounds & 11 ounces
- is 28.25 inches long
- has now been to six different states: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas & South Carolina
- is crawling
- can pull up to her knees
- has now been to three weddings
- has 2 little bottom teeth
- likes to bang her hands on everything
- wiggles when music is playing
- still loves the sound of the womb (we have the sound on our phones for when it's tough for her to fall asleep)
- enjoys long baths and loves bubbles
- likes her musical books
- loves watching golf with her daddy
- tries to touch everything when she's in a shopping cart or a high chair
- reaches to be picked up