Sunday, December 21, 2014


We met Santa today!
It was such a great experience.
Joseph and I had a whole lot of fun waiting in line in Pensacola for just about 2 hours.
Caroline played with us, some other kids and looked around the whole time. We did quite a bit of people watching at this prime location. She was just as happy as could be!
We thought she might be getting tired towards the end of our wait. Like she was ready for a nap. Naturally, we began to start thinking that this situation could head south real quick.

We weren't sure how she would react to Santa anyway. I mean we have an almost 11 month old baby meeting this giant bearded man in red. It could get crazy. 
Like everything else though, she amazed us.
She loved him. She sat down as happy as could be on his lap and just looked at him. She checked him out up and down and then even played with his beard. When she felt comfortable enough, she looked at the camera and gave us a big smile. #moneyshot
She was the cutest, most well behaved child in that line. Success!
We love Santa Claus!