Happy Birthday, America
& God Bless The USA.
What better way to celebrate the 4th of July than on the water, surrounded by American flags and family, eating good food & remembering all there is that makes this great nation the GREATEST country in all the world.
Our 4th of July was spent at the one & only Crab Island. Hundreds of boats and people all gathered around in celebration, enjoying their freedom that is fought for everyday and creating memories with those that surround them.
We had a blast. Caroline was in the water almost the entire time. She she enjoyed her float and was pulled through the water by everyone. We had family down from Georgia and Tennessee to celebrate with us.
Caroline perfected her Seminole Chop + War Chant & her Roll Tide Yell :)
I'll tell ya what - we were some Proud Parents & Proud Grandparents!
That night we grilled out and watched the fireworks.
[Somewhat watched the fireworks, it kinda rained...but it didn't rain on this parade]
We had a blast!
It was a great weekend to say the very least.
And we owe it all to those who make freedom our own.
Happy 4th of July!