Earlier today we had our Gender Reveal Dinner with our parents & siblings.
& now it's time for the rest of the world to know :)
Boy or Girl?
What do you think?
Well if you said girl then you are absolutely correct!
We will be adding another sweet little girl to our family come February!
Hadley Catherine will be her name.
Our little Haddie.
We could not be any more excited for our newest addition.
& we're so happy that our parents and brother and sisters were able to come celebrate with us!
Caroline loved the little party- she of course thought it was for her. Anything involving cake is right?
Duh! Haha, she's excited though. We've been telling her all about a new baby sister
and telling her about her big sister duties-
for now though, she just likes saying "baby" and pulling up mommy's shirt to see the tummy.
I'll take it. :)
Now that we all know the gender, let the baby girl purchasing and nursery planning begin!