So I'm seeing that it's true what they say- you're so busy with your other child(ren) that time will fly by during pregnancy. It's fact, not fiction.
I'm going to admit, I feel like a bad mom already to this second child. Because time is going so fast, and because I'm trying to keep up with Caroline and fill her days with productive activities- if you were to ask me a question about where we're at in this pregnancy- I'd have to check the app (because it's not something I do on a regular basis)
I couldn't tell you what fruit/veggie she is this week,
or how much she weighs and her length.
I consider myself doing pretty good when I don't have to count back the weeks to tell you how far along I am, OK.
Soooo- yeah. I'll try to get better though, I promise.
Any of the who- I was fully aware of this appointment and I've actually been looking forward to it since the last appointment. This week was ultrasound week!!! Which means we got to see our precious Hadley (Haddie).
It was such an enjoyable experience. We got to watch her kick around and "jump." We got to see all different angles :) - She was laying face down though, so we couldn't get a view of her little face. But, she was healthy & active which is all we care about.
& Caroline was the sweetest during the ultrasound. She seemed just as excited to see baby Haddie as we were. She sat with me on the table and held up my shirt. Every once in a while she would touch my belly, say "hi Haddie" and get some of the gel on her haha. We were melting.
Next appointment is in 4 weeks! Yay, October!
We're getting closer every day to becoming a family of 4.