32 weeks! Getting closer everyday :)
It's been a busy week. & I've been a little under the weather (& so has baby C) but we've been staying busy & getting things done.
P.S- our blood work results should be back later on today (I've been patiently awaiting today all weekend) so I"ll definitely update everyone.
Good news though: the rash is going away, slowly but surely!
How far along? 32 Weeks
Total weight gain: 29 pounds
Sleep: Let the waking up in the middle of the night begin. Woooooo - I'm waving my party finger.
Best moment(s) this week: Caroline has been really curious about the Christmas tree - so we've been doing a lot of exploring into the ornaments & playing under it. Hadley likes it too :)
Miss anything?: Bending over to pick things up comfortably..
Movement: Baby girl is everywhere - i think she just pokes sometimes lol
Best thing about this pregnancy: Everyday we get closer to meeting out precious little one and adding to our family.
Worst thing about this pregnancy: That pregnancy in general lasts so long? lol seriously feels like it's been forever. It'll be worth it though!
Food cravings: Blueberry Yogurt! I can't get enough of it. I won't discriminate, Mixed Berry yogurt is bomb too - no strawberry or peach for me though please. Those just don't even sound good.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button in or out? In, still hanging in there.
Last time you cried over something ridiculous: We have little drummer soldiers that are part of our Christmas decorations - setting up their display was a little harder this year for some reason. I had a little melt down about the "snow" (cotton) ... i couldn't seem to get it just right, which called for tears, obviously.
What I am looking forward to: Going to Niceville to see my family this weekend!
Weekly Wisdom: If you're tired and God willing you have the option, take a nap! There is nothing like an afternoon nap. Snuggle up with your other babe and just sleep!