Sunday, December 20, 2015

34 Weeks!

34 weeks! & it's Christmas week!

This week we will have our hands fun will last minute holiday fun.
Including Baking Cookies :) 

I'm so excited to start this tradition with Caroline.
It's something I always loved & looked forward to growing up so hopefully it will be the same for her!
How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: 32 pounds 
Sleep: It's so hard to fall asleep - but once I do - I sleep like a rock. Until I wake up in the middle of the night - which is every.single.night. 
Best moment(s) this week: We got to see our sweet baby. Caroline was just as excited as we were!
Miss anything?: everything. i want my close to fit me correctly again. wahh. 
Movement: all the time. She's fun to play with :) 
Best thing about this pregnancy: Making us a family of 4 & getting us a step closer to completing our family :) 
Worst thing about this pregnancy: The whole pregnant thing - it's a drag. lol - i mean that in the nicest possible way. I'm just not one of those people that is like "awwwwwww I LOVE being pregnant." nope. not me at all. i just want the present at the end :) 
Food cravings: Almonds were my thing this week. Which is a good thing - they're great for you, especially during pregnancy!
Labor Signs:  Braxton Hicks, I hate you... still. 
Belly Button in or out? Still an Innie.
Last time you cried over something ridiculous: I'm being good. No tears here. 
What I am looking forward to: This week is Christmas. Tonight we decorate our cookies & then Christmas Eve there are all kinds of events going on & seeing Caroline's face Christmas morning! & of course - seeing everyone Christmas and the weekend after Christmas. 
Weekly Wisdom: Don't start a count down. It makes time go by slower.