To finish off my 30 Days of Thankfulness (even though I'm thankful everyday!):
November 27th: Time. I am thankful for the time given. I am thankful for the time we have been given to spend with our loved ones. I am grateful for all the time I have had so far to make memories that I will forever cherish. I am thankful that God has granted others time to share with me and with the people they love. Time is something not to be taken lightly, I am thankful to be aware of that. Life is short, but sweet for certain and every minute counts. I am so thankful to have had the time I've had here on this earth and I am thankful for every minute that I'll ever have in the future. I will do my absolute best to not waste anytime and always use it to the fullest. I am thankful for time.

November 29th: Health. I am thankful for the good health of myself, family and friends. I am so thankful that everyone I know is such a fighter when it comes to battling health problems. I am so grateful for all the people I know in my life that have been able to overcome health issues. I am saddened for those we have lost along the way that battled for so long for their lives, and I continue to keep them in my heart. I am thankful for the ever changing technology that allows new discoveries within the world of medicine. I am thankful for the surgeries and transplants that have allowed me to spend more time with my loved ones. I am thankful for doctors and nurses who truly believe in their job and take pride in it with each and every patient. I am so thankful for everyone in my life and I am very thankful for our withstanding and improving health.
November 30th: Caroline Ann. I am so thankful for our daughter we will be blessed with in a few short months, Caroline. She is our first child, a sweet little girl. I am so thankful to have been given the opportunity to be a mother after believing and being told it wasn't possible. She is a miracle and will forever be such a precious gift. I am thankful that Joseph & I get to share the joys she will bring into our family. I am thankful for the personality I can already feel from her. I love her activeness and her cooperation that she already displays. I love how I feel when she moves. I love her responses when we talk to her and play with her. I am thankful that she is getting closer and closer to being here. I am so thankful for our first child, Caroline, that will be the start to our family.
November just ended! & Now we're a few days into December! My goodness, I can't decide if time is in hyper mode or if it is in slow motion- I guess it would depend on the day itself.
As most of you know, I recently had my first taste of Tijuana Flats. Joseph introduced me. I've always seen the restaurant but I've just never taken the time to go give it a shot. & boy I was missing out. So good, I got it that first time and then convinced Joseph to go with me a couple days later. Pure perfection = the Chicken Flautas. Yum!
Joseph took me out for date night. Dinner & a movie- which is right up this pregnant girl's alley. If you haven't seen it yet, you must check out "Last Vegas." So good. Great actors. We laughed the whole time. Muy Bien.
We had our checkup with our baby doctor. For your update: everything is looking good (with a thumbs up). Doc said my stomach measures perfectly. Blood pressure, heart rate and pulse all checked out. We listened to Caroline's heartbeat for a little while, it once again took a minute to find. She sits funny, no one believes me. She's low, very low, and she was moving the whole time so we had to chase her with the machine to get an accurate count. She's presh.
I can't believe I'm already 31 weeks! It's so crazy to think. Sometimes I feel like we just found out baby was a girl last week and we still have months to go! Not the case.
She will be here in "8-10 weeks" is what the doctor said. I'm crossing my fingers for 8 since I'm dying to meet her, but yeah yeah I know- the longer she's in the better for her. So I won't be selfish, stay as long as you'd like sweet pea.
Joseph & I were just talking about it again and we're thinking that because of how fast she is growing, we think she's going to be here early. We're both guessing that around 36 weeks she will make her arrival. All I can say is, please don't come while we're in Niceville for the baby shower. That would throw everything off! (although it would be cool for having more friends and family around, just saying) BUT DONT DO IT. por favor.
We've been prepping and buying more things for the little one. And we've been receiving wonderful gifts, thank you! Everything is so cute and little and PINK. I'm in love. Thank you to the in-laws for their sweet package they sent us for Thanksgiving. We love all the adorable items y'all got for Caroline. Love, love, love. So thoughtful!

P.S- The king of Green Bean Casserole, Joseph, approved my recipe! He loved it! I'm glad I tested it out!
I also tried a recipe that I found for Marbled Brownies. Delish. Joseph doesn't eat pie so I had to think of a dessert he would enjoy for our feast. You can't go wrong with brownies & he loves brownies so what better time to try it out! I don't like brownies & even I liked these. They were light and fluffy- cake style. Cream cheese makes anything good though.
So, my Dad (& possibly my Mom), will be in town at the end of next week! It'll be my dad's first trip down here since we've moved. Really looking forward to that. It's always great to see them! Almost time to prep the house for our guests :)
The outside lights are done for Christmas and we're working on the inside now. Garland and lights are filling the house. I've got the get the stockings up, our wreath & then the tree. So excited! So much to do! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... too cheesy?
It's looking like we are going to have our families down here for the Holiday's. Both sides! It's still undecided of exactly when, but I'm so excited to see everyone, already! I think it'd be so cool to have both sides down at the same time on Christmas, one big happy family!
December & January are going to be such busy months with so much fun stuff taking place, they're going to fly by & then our baby will be here! I hear these last 2 months last the longest so Let's Keep Busy with activities!
How far along? 31 weeks of baking this jelly bean
Total weight gain/loss: a "wonderful" whopping 40 lbs. "You're baby wants you to gain a whole mess of weight" -Knocked Up. Ugh.
Maternity Clothes? Just made a recent purchase for more. I needed some more short sleeves since Orlando can't decide when it wants to get hot & cold. And I got some for when we go to North Florida to "the blistering cold".
Stretch Marks? Throwing in the towel, I know have one 'beautiful' stripe. How lucky am I...
Sleep: What's that? I know wake up a minimum of 3 times in the middle of the night, wide awake & pleading to go back to sleep. There's nothing to do at 1 AM!
Best moment(s) this week: Caroline playing with the flashlight we put on my belly, it was sweet
Miss anything?: Everything. You can't do anything while you're pregnant- they don't tell you all of this while you're growing up.
Movement: All day long & now all night. She's so active. Honestly, with her size she's gotta be out of space in there.
Food cravings: French fries, but I'm fighting that urge. Still on my PB&J's & I wish our leftover mashed potatoes were on a never ending supply- they're gone.
Labor Signs: Negative, not there yet.
Belly Button in or out? Still holding it's ground, keeping it's innie appearance!
What I am looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment next Tuesday! We should find out lots of information then about our little one so I'm really looking forward to it!
Weekly Wisdom: Eat breakfast every morning before you go do your errands, if not you'll be more than tempted to get yucky food at fast food joints because you'll realize you are STARVING and be nowhere near your house. Or pack snacks!
Had to show this for the cuteness factor. Look how much he loves his sissy :) melting.