Things change so quickly. Some for the good, some for the sad- mostly for the good.
I Remember Last December.
I was figuring out who I was. I was working hard at my job, putting in double after double, staying and taking the closing shift. I was making money, and lots of it. It was a job I was skeptical about taking, but I've never had such an enjoyable time while working. (Minus my internship, that falls into a different category because it was unpaid). I loved the people I got to know there, my fellow owls as well as the management team. Some of them left an ever lasting impression on me. It was an experience that really taught me a lot about myself, it gave me a lot of skills to use in the rest of my life.
I Remember Last December.
I made friends with new people, rekindled old friendships and had the time of my life. I worked my butt off but made sure to make time for things I wanted to do. I stayed up late, over slept and wouldn't change a thing. I was silly, some would say crazy, I was outspoken and in control. I tested my boundaries and really pushed myself physically and morally.
I Remember Last December.
I was at a crossroad in my life, where everything had recently just changed and I had a choice to make. I could either let what had happened define me and stay in a funk or I could push through it and grow from it. I'm grateful for the people that pushed me to take it on head on and get through it. I'm so happy to have had those people in my life. I'm so happy that they were always there for me, no matter what the time was.
I made some memories last December that I will always cherish deeply. The places, the people and the times that were had will always be something that I look back on and smile about.
Sometimes I wish those times then could've lasted forever. But even I know they couldn't have.
Although things are different now, it is part of growing up. I'm so happy to have those memories and to have had those experiences.
Now this December, there are new and different memories to make.