Monday, October 13, 2014

Unfortunate Realization

We're moving in 3 short months.

In order to prep for the move and make things easier on us when it comes down to crunch time I've been packing rubbermaid's every few weeks with things that we don't use on a regular basis.

As I contemplated on what to box up today, I walked into my closet and it hit me...I don't wear half of the clothes that are in here. Not because I don't want to, but because they don't fit me. 

You know, pre-pregnancy clothes.

As I pull each item off of their hanger, I get this feeling. I would say it was a sad one.

My daughter is about to be 9 months old. Now I know I was told, time and time again, that losing the baby weight would take some time, but I never imagined it would take this long.

I wanted to be one of those moms that gives birth, has their 6 week recovery time and then bounces back and is in their favorite jeans again. Why can't that be me?

It's not for lack of trying that I haven't lost the weight yet. I work my ass off. I watch my calories and eat the right things and I work out on the reg. What's the deal? How much time is enough time to wait until I'm back in the shape I want to be in?

As I'm boxing up my crop tops and tight tee's, favorite jeans and dresses that I used to love wearing- I'm wondering if there will ever be a day that I'll get to pull this box out and rehang them in my closet. I'm wondering when one of these Small shirts & size 4 jeans will be wearable again. ugh.

So the realization is depressing.. it's going to take more time. Probably a lot more time. And then I'll have another baby and have to start all over again. Is this going to be a cycle that repeats itself? Will I ever be a 4 again? I really, really hope so.

Packing the box might have gotten me a little upset, but it did something else for me also. It motivated me even more. I want so badly to be able to wear those clothes again. So, I'm going to keep working at it.  Every. Damn. Day.

P.S- you ladies that have given birth and either wore your pre-pregnancy clothes home from the hospital or bounced back in under a month... I hate you. Not really, but I am incredibly envious.