Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I'm into the 8 week of pregnancy (i think)


I don't remember being this tired when I was pregnant with Caroline. [It could be that I'm chasing around a 17 Month old] I'm not really sure.

All I know is I want to stay in bed all day. And even when I'm up and doing things, I just can't wake up completely. Coffee doesn't do it for me, unfortunately.

I guess I'll just patiently await the 2nd trimester so I can get some energy back.

On the flip side, my first doctors appointment is getting closer. Next week we get to go see what our little bun in the oven looks like with an ultrasound.

AND I'm super excited to get the new blood test that they do these days. The one where it tells you with like 95% certainty what the gender is.
^Those tests were made for people like me, I'm so impatient.