Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day Dreaming....I hope not.

I've been looking toward the future a little more today than I have in these last few weeks (so that means a lot, my poor husband. i've been trying to plan everything lately #icanthelpit)

This time though instead of necessities, it's been more about planning leisure activities. Everyone knows I hate sitting still for too long. It's only been 2 weeks since we last traveled and I'm already stir crazy & planning trips that I hope to go on eventually. In the next 2-3 years I'd like to think.

I've been looking into family trips. And romantic trips for Hubby & me (seeing as how we never took our Honeymoon.....only a "mini-moon.") Also trips to visit our spread out friends and family and our FriendFam reunions. So many trips, and not enough PTO ;) #amiright?

In the next 2-3 years, where do I want to go? EASY!
  • Napa Valley
  • Fort Worth
  • Charleston
  •  NYC
  • Boston
  • New Orleans
  • Somewhere in the Caribbean 
  • Disney World..duh. (this being closer to 3 years and 2, so our little bebe can enjoy it)
My Pinterest is blowing up. I think my Secret Boards are now catching up to the amount of Public Boards I have.....just because I'd probably annoy too many people with my obnoxious pinning habits. And we don't want that.

Some of these trips will obviously take more planning than others...seeing as how some are in "our backyard" and others are across country!

Of course for all of the trips to work out, life has to cooperate. You can't schedule every last detail about how life is going to go and who would want to anyway- surprises can be fun.

Not to mention, I've got 4 more kids to pop out ;)

So on that note:

Have a magical evening :)

                                                           I think my job is getting to me. I say Magical way too often!


Monday, September 29, 2014

It's already been 8 months?

I'm late...I know. Caroline turned 8 months old on the 23rd of September. What's my deal? I have been incredibly busy & Caroline was in no condition to do our monthly photo session. 

Our little was sick. Running a fever, breaking out in a rash and not eating. Poor thing, she was so pitiful. Her doctor is still undecided as to what it was that brought this on- maybe a UTI, maybe a viral infection. But, thankfully she is doing much better now. 

HOWEVER, what didn't go back to normal? Sleeping in her own bed. Hubby and I had a deal that Caroline wouldn't be sleeping in the bed with us until she was at least a year old (we've done the whole co-sleeping thing & we have gradually..bassinet, pack'n'play, then bed.. moved her out and she was finally in her own bed before she got sick). Naturally we put her in the bed with us while she wasn't feeling well. Well now that she's better.......yeah, she's still in the bed.  We will see how long it lasts.. I love my baby- but I want to be able to toss and turn like i usually do and not wake up freaking out wondering where exactly the baby has moved to. It really freaks me out. 

Any of the who....

we finally got around to taking some pictures now that the little babe is herself again.
Caroline is 8 months old, y'all :) 
It's like she grew over night. I hadn't noticed a big difference in her looks or her growth and then just one day it changed. She looks like a little person! I'm aware that's what she is, but struggle to see the little baby face that was once there. She is growing so quickly and she is maturing so fast. 
I can't believe all the things she does now. She is keeping this momma on her toes. I'm constantly catching her and stopping her from getting into things... yep- she's on the move. And she's fast. 

It's like one day everything just clicked.
 Fun Facts About Caroline:
  • weighs19 pounds & 11 ounces
  • is 28.25 inches long
  • has now been to six different states: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas  & South Carolina
  • is crawling
  • can pull up to her knees
  • has now been to three weddings
  • has 2 little bottom teeth
  • likes to bang her hands on everything
  • wiggles when music is playing
  • still loves the sound of the womb (we have the sound on our phones for when it's tough for her to fall asleep)
  • enjoys long baths and loves bubbles
  • likes her musical books
  • loves watching golf with her daddy
  • tries to touch everything when she's in a shopping cart or a high chair
  • reaches to be picked up


Cleaning out the closet.. literally.

It's no secret that babiess grow. And when they do, they outgrow their precious little baby clothes.

Well, with moving coming up in just a few short months, I'm trying to make things easier on myself by slowly packing the things that we don't need on a daily basis. Where did I start? Caroline's room- because it seemed more fun than any other room.

Probably not the best place though in hindsight , seeing as how it gets my emotions going and the fact that I just want to sit and reminisce about every little outfit & the times my baby wore it. My little is becoming so grown. It was just yesterday she was in her layettes and her little mittens. Now she is wearing her footed pajamas, ruffled rompers and there are no mittens in sight.. or shoes that fit her for that matter.

Getting back on track though.. I'm packing up Caroline's clothes and accessories that no longer fit her.

Mittens, Hats, Socks, Shoes & little baby bows....it's time to go. 
Newborn...Box it.
0-3 Months...Box it.
3-6 Months...Box it.
6-9 Months...You're not too far from being in a box.

And as I fold some of these items to put them into a Rubbermaid I realize that about half of these items of clothing she never even got to wear! It makes me sad to think that they're just going into a box. Some of these things I forgot she even had. Looking at some of this stuff brings back happy little memories of our little baby in the beginning. How tiny she was. How new she was. 

Although I feel like I'm putting so much in boxes, I turn to look at the closet and it's still incredibly full. Goodness, this child has so much clothes. A little fashionista she is.
As I'm straighten up her new, less full, closet it hits me, more concrete than it has been before- that I definitely will be wanting another little girl in the future.

I always wanted 3 babies. 2 boys and a girl. When I was younger I had it all figured out that I was going to have a boy, a girl and then another little boy. 2 boys surrounding our little princess in the middle, her protectors.

Well you know what they say:
If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. 
I wouldn't change the way things turned out for anything. I love that we have our little girl. She's more than I could've ever asked for. God had a plan, He knew what we needed. Time for a new "plan."

I've more recently decided on wanting 5 children- I love being a mom. My husband assures me that there is no way that we will be having 5 little boys & girls running around. I think it's a great number- we will see if we can't do some negotiating. He likes even numbers, maybe we can agree on 4?  

We'll just take it one day at a time.....or one kid at a time ;)

What I'm trying to get at is that I can't imagine not seeing these little clothes again. And making more memories in them. Whether God decides to bless us with another little girl in the future, or I pass them on to a niece of mine ;) I can't wait to pull them out again!

The Princess Express

Attention! All moms, aunts, grandmothers, people that have friends with babies, and anyone who wants or needs to participate in spoiling a little baby/toddler girl...

I've got a place for you to check out. 
It's called The Princess Express.
Click Above To Check It Out. 

Everyone is always asking where we got the bows from, so let me share this little secret. My mother-in-law told me about this place. She spoils our little Caroline with little things from this website every now and then and they're just so precious that I had to check them out for myself.
They are inexpensive. They are good quality. And if you need to speak with them personally, they're super friendly and helpful. 

Caroline has at least 20 bows from this place, and I just purchased a few more (a girl can never have too many accessories.) 

I'm absolutely in love. As our little grows, I'll definitely be checking back in for more items for her. 

Did I mention they offer Free Shipping? With no $$$$ minimum $$$$.

you're welcome.

I want a re-do

As I scroll back through my blogs, I've noticed something. My original plan for this blog that I had towards the beginning has been lost. I did religiously keep up with Caroline updates and every now and then there would be a post about what has happened recently- but not as much as I wanted to.

I wanted to talk about crafts. recipes. experiences & my advice on the matter. I wanted to talk about tips and tricks that I think are useful. I wanted to vent & ask for advice. I just wanted to touch on all aspects of the things in my life that I thought others might enjoy or could help with.

I guess I got busy.

I'm going to try again though. I honestly don't know what happened..... I'll just say motherhood did.

If you'll have me, I'd like to try again. 


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Our Baby Has Been Baptized

We had a Baptism for little Caroline this last weekend: Saturday, September 13th.
It was beautiful. We are so proud and feeling more blessed than usual.

It was a small celebration with our immediate family in Brewton. We felt so special to have everyone travel for this occasion.
It was short and sweet. We had it officiated by the same Reverend that was the officiant in Joseph & my wedding - which just made it that much more special.

We had a professional photographer and Caroline had 3 wardrobe changes before it was all over with :) We can't help it.
And it's official, Caroline has 2 wonderful Godparents. We're incredibly grateful to have them help guide her through her spiritual journey.

Such a great weekend with family & friends. We can't wait to see everyone again!