Monday, November 9, 2015

Hey 3rd Trimester

We're In The T H I R D Trimester!
Which means we are just 12 weeks shy of meeting our precious little Hadley.

I couldn't be more excited.

Time is flying by super fast - the weeks sneak up on me sometimes.

Every doctor's appointment Joseph even says it "wait, it's already been a month?"

We have one more monthly doctors appointment at the beginning of December and then from there on out it's going to be every 2 weeks!

We had our 27/28 week check up this last week.
Got to do the fun glucose test [& i'll say it's really not that bad- it takes 2 seconds to drink]

All tests came back clear in a million! No diabetes for our little babe & no anemia for me! 

Nothing like hearing that great news :) 

How far along? 28 Weeks
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Sleep: I have a routine now. Bed around 10:30/11 -- wake up between 6 & 7. Loving it! Super productive days. 
Best moment(s) this week: Caroline felt Hadley kick. She jumped with excitement - probably not really understanding what it was but it was still super cute & sweet to see! 
Miss anything?: Um yes, I want to be able to work out normally without cramping and having to take it easy. Modifying work outs just doesn't do it for me. 
Movement: A whole lot of it. 
Best thing about this pregnancy: I'm going to continue saying this: Adding a new member to our family!
Worst thing about this pregnancy: We're doing a lot of upgrades on our home & we're bringing in new furniture & constantly rearranging things- I wish I could do it without having to wait for Joseph to get home from work to lift and move certain things for me.... la la la la l a
Food cravings: I'm loving me some cottage cheese & Caroline is enjoying it always being around!
Labor Signs: no where close. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Last time you cried over something ridiculous: I cried over the weekend - my husband went to the hunting camp for a few days - it hit me when he left that he was going to be gone, over night, not in our bed - i sobbed - then got over it, we was so busy the time flew by!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my best friend & my family this upcoming weekend!
Weekly Wisdom: I need to listen to this more: Don't stress about your weight gain- you're supposed to gain weight. If you're eating "healthy" and working out and doing the things you can - that's all you can do! It's for the baby & it's only temporary!