Wednesday, January 27, 2016

39 Weeks!

I am 39 weeks pregnant as of this last Sunday.
Something happens in a woman's body between 38 weeks & 39 weeks.
Last week I felt fine. I had the, 'I can do this' type attitude. 
Then 39 weeks rolled around....

I'm exhausted.
I want to sleep all day. [which I can't, so jokes on me]
I am getting migraine headaches, which are zero fun.
Nothing tastes good but I'm hungry all day. 
And all together I just feel grumpy.

I don't know what happened.

I didn't have to go through the final 2 weeks of pregnancy with Caroline,
I got induced at 38 with her, therefore I never had to experience this part. 

It's zero fun.

I find myself thinking:
"I should go buy some pineapple & maybe get that Raspberry Zinger Tea I keep hearing about"......
You know, to go ahead and get this show on the road.

But then, I don't.
I step back and look at the nicely laid out plan that we have for when the time comes.
& I think about how Hadley really needs to wait until February to arrive.

So I don't do anything. 
I just continue to wait.

Sounds like a lot of complaining that I'm doing right?
Joseph says the same thing, lol.

I deserve to be able to do a little bit of complaining.
I've been really good throughout the months.

But back to the positive- We literally have 1 week.
1 week!
Until Hadley's expected arrival.
I could not be more thrilled.

We can make it one more week :) 

Pray for us! 

We also had our 39 week doctor's appointment today! 
[just got home from it actually..]
Just a regular check up! 

Sitting at 1cm & "a pinch" as my doctor said. 
Progressed a little bit, but nothing too crazy.

We're still set for February at this point!
How far along? 39 Weeks
Total weight gain: 41 pounds 
Sleep: Falling asleep super early, waking up super early, & wanting to take naps
Best moment(s) this week: We celebrated Caroline's actual birthday over the weekend- just the 3 of us as a family :) We have a 2 year old! Still crazy to think about! 
Miss anything?:  Feeling like a normal human being. 
Movement: Constantly.
Best thing about this pregnancy: Another baby! 
Worst thing about this pregnancy: Wanting time to go slow so I can have more time with just Caroline and wanting time to speed up so we can meet Hadley and be a new family of 4. Wanting both is rough. 
Food cravings: This week all I want is milk. Nothing is satisfying to me. Nothing tastes good. Only milk. & I get awful heartburn from seriously eVeRyThInG. I hate it. 
Labor Signs:  Contractions. . 
Belly Button in or out? Barely poking out. 
Last time you cried over something ridiculous: We rarely have fast food  -- & we don't have a Whataburger in our area, so when we went on a day trip to Brewton we swung through Whataburger, I was very indecisive about what I wanted. I had a little melt down over chicken fingers or avocado burger. It wasn't fun. My sweet husband told me I could get both if I wanted, but I definitely wasn't going to do that. I was a mess & had some tears fall for a brief couple of minutes.. -- & in case you were wondering,  I got chicken. 
What I am looking forward to: Hadley!
Weekly Wisdom: Get your life together and in order. Don't make things more difficult for yourself than they have to be.